Sunday, December 15, 2013

Is it possible to enjoy DONNE'S religious poems without sharing his religious beliefs?Discussplz answer in detail

This is a splendid question. The short answer is a resounding
"yes." The longer answer is more complicated.

It is possible to
enjoy Donne's religious poetry even if one disagrees with his religious
if the poems are read as pieces of literature rather than as pieces of
religious propaganda.

Consider, for instance, Donne's famous "Holy
Sonnet 14," which begins with the words "Batter my heart, three-personed God." There is much to
admire about this poem, even if one is not a Christian. Donne's emphatic use of verbs, for
instance, breathes a kind of dynamic life into this poem, as in the second line, in which the
speaker says that God attempts to "knock, breathe, shine, and seek[s] to mend" his damaged
creatures. The list of verbs here is vigorous and compelling, no matter what the "message" of the
poem may be, and no matter whether one agrees or disagrees with that

Similarly, one need not be a Christian to appreciate the
abrupt paradox expressed in line 3: "That I may rise and stand, o'erthrow me." Once again the
phrasing here is powerful and compelling, catching us by surprise but also winning our admiration
for the skill of the style. The same is true of the next list of emphatic, monosyllabic verbs
that appears in line 4, where the speaker implores God to bend his force "to break, blow, burn,
and make me new." Here Donne uses heavy alliteration (repetition of the same consonants) in the
repeated "b" sound, and he also uses striking assonance (repetition
of the same vowel sounds) in the proximity of "break" and

Meanwhile, in the next line,
Donne uses a very vivid simile (a comparison using "like" or "as") when the speaker says that he
is "like an usurped town" and needs God to penetrate him before he can be free. Similarly, the
highly unusual claim, at the very end of the poem, that the speaker can never be free "Nor ever
chaste, except you ravish [in other words, "rape"] me is one of the most memorable metaphors
Donne ever employed. It is also typical of the sometimes shockingly paradoxical style that makes
so many of his poems so difficult to forget.

Anyone who loves
literature as literature (that is, as language that calls attention to its
own inventive skill and compelling artistry) cannot help but admire the literary craftsmanship of
Donne's religious poems, whether or not one agrees with his theological ideas at

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