Sunday, December 15, 2013

How should I write a contrast paragraph between the character of Amir and Hassan in the beginning of the novel The Kite Runner with 2 quotes?

I'm assuming you need a paragraph contrasting the two
characters, right?  Also, I'm not sure what you mean by the "beginning" of the novel, so I'll try
to keep the references from early on in the novel.

First, I would
recommend starting with a generalized observation of their personalities, such as "Amir appears
to be a coward, unlike his servant and 'friend', Amir".  You can then provide quotes from the
text to support these observations. 

For example, when Amir and
Hassan run into Assef and his friends, Amir does not want anything to do with Assef, despite
Assef's insults and threats: "'Just let us go, Assef,' I said, hating the way my voice trembled.
'We're not bothering you'" (Hosseini 41).  On the contrary, Hassan is the one who steps in and
saves them from being beaten: "Hassan held the slingshot pointed directly at Assef's face.... 
'Please leave us alone, Agha,' Hassan said in a flat tone" (Hosseini 42).  Hassan was scared, but
he stood up for Amir regardless of what he was feeling.

You could
even borrow a passage from the end of chapter three where Baba comments how "[t]here is something
missing in that boy" (Hosseini 22), referencing how Amir gets bullied in the streets and doesn't
stand up for himself.

As with all cited evidence, be sure to (1)
introduce the quote, (2) provide the quote, then (3) explain its significance/importance to your

Other contrasting points could be how Amir is unfaithful
while Hassan is loyal, or perhaps how Amir is spoiled but Hassan is thankful for everything he
has.  You could provide ample evidence from the text to support these as

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