Saturday, June 14, 2014

Explain the destruction of Don Quixote's romantic dream in Cervantes' novel, Don Quixote.

Don Quixote maintains his illusion that he is a knight
errant through many adventures and dangerous encounters during his journeys, always
managing to keep reality at bay. He suffers hunger, goes without sleep, and endures
numerous physical injuries while pursuing his romantic dream. Quixote leaves his home
upon his horse Rocianante with great eagerness:


. . . so many were the wrongs that were to be
righted, the grievances to be addressed, the abuses to be done away with, and the duties
to be performed.

These noble
desires formed the foundation of Quixote's romantic dream: to make the world a better
place through selfless acts of courage and honor.

His great
dream is destroyed, finally, through the intrusion of reality. At the conclusion of the
novel, Quixote is a tired old man who has worn himself out. When his friend Carrasco,
disguised as the Knight of the White Moon, defeats him in battle, Quixote is honor bound
by their previous agreement to give up his life of knighthood, return to his village,
and remain there for a year.

Back in his home and cut off
from his life as a knight errant, Quixote falls into depression, but he does not give up
his dream. He plans to live as a shepherd until he can leave home once again. However,
his health fails, his doctor is summoned, and Quixote takes to his bed as his death
draws near. Awaking from a long sleep, Don Quixote cries

be Almighty God who has given me so many blessings! Truly his mercy is boundless and is
not limited or restrained by the sins of

Quixote's niece senses a
change in her uncle; he seems more rational, and his words differ from his previous,
often disjointed ramblings about the illusionary world of chivalry in which he has
lived. As his niece listens, Quixote continues:


My mind now is clear, unencumbered by those misty
shadows of ignorance that were cast over it by my bitter and continual reading of those
hateful books of

Don Quixote has
returned to reality; his romantic dream has been destroyed. He is once again Alonso
Quixano. He will never again ride forth to free the oppressed, to protect the innocent,
or to bring justice to an unjust world. He dies shortly

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