Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mark the stress in the following words: photographer, photography, conduct (verb), conduct (noun), produce (verb), object, objection, express,...

Below are your answers for the words you

  • photographer = pho-TOG'-raph-er. The stress is
    on the second syllable.

  • photography = pho-TOG'-raph-y. The same as
    photographer; the stress is on the second syllable.

  • conduct (verb)
    = con-DUCT'. The stress of the verb form is on the second

  • conduct (noun) = CON'-duct. The stress of the noun form
    is on the first syllable.

  • produce (verb) = pro-DUCE'. The stress
    of the verb form is on the second syllable.

  • produce (noun) =
    PRO'-duce. The noun form would have the stress on the first

  • object = ob-JECT' (verb). The stress is on the second
    syllable of the verb form.

  • object = OB'-ject (noun). The stress is
    on the first syllable of the noun form.

  • objection = ob-JECT'-
    ion. The stress is on the second syllable.

  • express = ex-PRESS'.
    The stress is on the second syllable.

  • expression = ex-PRESS'-ion.
    The stress is on the second syllable.

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