Friday, June 6, 2014

How are Scout and Aunt Alexandra related in To Kill a Mockingbird?Not by family, but by how they act, their personality, and views of anything. I...

The similarities between Scout and her Aunt Alexandra are few,
but Atticus' sister does mellow a bit later in the novel, and the two do have a few things in

  • They are both dedicated to

  • They both love Jem. (Scout admires him as a sister cares
    for an older brother; Jem's injury in the final chapters bring out the best of Alexandra's nearly
    dormant motherly instincts.)

  • They are both

  • They both see the two-faced attitudes of several of
    the women at the Missionary Circle tea.

  • They both dislike and even
    fear Bob Ewell.

  • They were both upset at the news of Tom Robinson's

  • They are both a bit superstitious. (Scout is young enough
    to believe any of Jem's tales about Haints and Hot Steams, and Alexandra believes that "somebody
    just walked over my grave" just prior to the Halloween

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