Monday, June 16, 2014

In Oedipus Rex, what are three key steps in Oedipus's journey towards self-knowledge?

Of course, the whole play, in a sense, marks Oedipus's
gradual path to self-knowledge as he continues to piece together the evidence about the
identity of the murderer of Laius. Interestingly, whilst those who give him that
evidence seem to be reluctant to reveal what they know, because they have worked out the
identity of the murderer, it takes Oedipus rather longer to accept the final

People will vary in their thoughts about what the
three key stages are, but for me, you will want to think about the following parts of
the play:

1) The revelation of Teiresias that it was
Oedipus who killed his father. Note the way that Oedipus denies this vehemently and
cannot accept the truth, thinking that Teiresias is in they pay of Creon - another
contender for the throne. Yet this to me is the beginning of the self-doubt that will
only end when Oedipus accepts the truth.

2) The re-telling
of the murder of Laius by Jocasta in Act II is key because Oedipus, at some level,
recognises that it was he who killed Laius. This leads to his calling of the shepherd to
give witness and to testify.

3) Lastly, you have to include
the poor shepherd in Act IV who finally gives Oedipus the proof that he has long
suspected by narrating to him the story of his birth and how he escaped

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