Tuesday, October 1, 2013

can someone help me define stomach cancer as much as possible in their own words rather than it sound like it came from a text book pleaseI'm doing...

Cancers are purposeless and uncontrolled growths in the
body.  They take over the area in which they grow, and can spread to nearby organs.
 Cancers can also spread through the blood stream to distant organs such as the lungs,
liver or brain.   They can spread through the lymphatic system to lymph nodes, near the
tumor as well as far away in other areas of the

Stomach cancer begins in the stomach.  At first it
may cause very little discomfort, perhaps only indigestion.  Later on as the cancer
grows, it fills up the stomach and causes the patient to feel full, even without eating
a large meal.  At this point the patient may experience weight loss.  When stomach
cancer spreads to other vital organs such as the lungs or brain, or if the patient
becomes severely malnourished, the patient may die.

cancers are difficult to cure, and seldom are.  The best treatment for early stomach
cancer is surgical removal.  For later, advanced stomach cancers, chemotherapy and
radiation are used.

Stomach cancers may be caused by diets
heavy in salted and pickled foods.  Also, they tend to be much commoner in certain
nationalities, particularly the Japanese.

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