Friday, March 21, 2014

What is the most important line in Act 1 Scene 2 of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream?

To some extent, the answer to this question depends on your
personal opinion.  However, you must keep in mind the purpose of this scene as you try to think
about which line is the most important.  This scene is really about establishing the
personalities of the craftsmen who will be performing in the play within a play.  Since the most
important of these characters is Bottom, the most important line should be one that reveals
something about his character.

Bottom has many lines that show what
a buffoon he is.  You could pick almost any one of them.  My pick is this

I will
my voice so, that I
will roar you as gently as any sucking href="../../midsummer-nights-dream-text/act-i-scene-ii#prestwick-gloss-1-2-20">dove;
I will roar(75)
you an't href="../../midsummer-nights-dream-text/act-i-scene-ii#prestwick-gloss-1-2-21">were
any nightingale.

This line shows
perfectly who Bottom is because it is a silly concept to begin with (he'll roar gently while
playing a lion so he doesn't scare the women) and because he makes mistakes ("sucking dove")
while doing so.  This really shows us what his character is

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