Friday, March 28, 2014

What were some literary influences on the style of Sir Francis Bacon's Essays?plz answer in detail

The style of Sir Francis Bacon’s
Essays is indebted to a number of sources, both literary and
otherwise. Like most Renaissance Christians, especially the well-educated, Bacon was
very familiar with the Bible and took its teachings quite seriously. He was also
familiar with many of the Greek and Latin classics, and his style was especially
influenced by such writers as Seneca and Tacitus (rather than Cicero). Seneca and
Tacitus favored a kind of writing often called “curt.” Cicero's writing, by contrast,
was often long, complicated, and highly patterned. Phrases in the "curt" style were
short; grammar was unconventional; and ideas often whizzed by quickly. Bacon liked
lists, antitheses, and phrases involving three elements. Yet writers such as Tacitus and
Seneca were only two significant influences on his style. He was familiar, for instance,
with the essays of Montaigne and sometimes alluded to them, but his own essays were less
personal, more abrupt, and less informal.

The brief essay
“Of Revenge,” chosen more or less at random, illustrates many of the traits and
influences just discussed, as well as some others. Consider its opening


Revenge is a kind of wild justice; which the more
man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it

Here, in the first
phrase, we see Bacon’s frequent brevity, as well as his tendency to use aphorisms and
his sometimes vivid language. In the phrasing that follows the semicolon, we see his
love of balance. Meanwhile, Bacon’s tendency to think in terms of threes is evident in
the following sentence:


Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even
with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior; for it is a prince's part to

In the immediately
following sentence, we see Bacon’s familiarity with scripture, as well as his tendency
to use what we would term “sentence fragments”:


And Solomon, I am sure, saith, It is the glory of
a man, to pass by an

Bacon’s wide reading
in history (another important influence) allowed him to cite more recent examples to
support his arguments, as when he says,


Cosmus, duke of Florence, had a desperate saying
against perfidious or neglecting friends . . .

Such reading is also
apparent in his later reference to "the death of Henry the Third of

Yet Bacon could also
easily cite examples from his reading of the classics, as he does

revenges are for the most part fortunate; as that for the death of Caesar; for the death
of Pertinax . . .

Scripture, however, was
always the most persuasive source to quote in Bacon’s culture, as he proves again when
he writes,

yet the spirit of Job was in a better tune: Shall we (saith he) take good at God's
hands, and not be content to take evil

As these quotations
suggest, Bacon’s style was compounded of a wide variety of influences, but perhaps the
writers who had the most important impact on his phrasing per se
were Seneca, Tacitus, and other Roman writers who favored the “curt”

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