Sunday, March 23, 2014

What is the purpose for Literature ?Be specific , details

Literature has several

First, literature introduces readers to a variety of
characters as a way for readers to learn more about themselves, others, and to let readers
understand that others have gone through similar situations as they. An example is Ralph in the
Lord of the Flies. He is a gentle boy and like more boys is adventurous but
not violent. Then in the situation that he is placed in, he finds himself taking part in the
murder of Simon. Golding's interruption: everyone contains evil. Not a trait most would like to
admit they possess.

Second, literature allows readers to develop
their imagination and find comfort, excitement, and adventure, and to experience differrent
realities than exist on earth. These realities usually carry a message for today's world like Ray
Bradbury's Sound of Thunder.

Third, literature
opens up the world for all readers. Experiencing and understanding different cultures and peoples
allows readers to connect with humanity where they might not have the opportunity to do so
otherwise. In this day of instance connections, this experience and understanding give readers
more empathy with people different from them. Chinua Achebe's Things Fall
is one literary work that allows the reader to experience another country's

Fourth, literature enables readers to trace ideas and
philosophies from ancient times forward to today to allow readers to assess the changes that have
taken place and to intellectually speculate on the purpose of those changes. In Aeschylus'
The Oresteia readers see the seeds of the development of modern

Fifth, literature allows readers the opportunity to
improve their reading, vocabulary, and writing skills.

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