Saturday, April 20, 2013

Is Murder in the Cathedral a "modern" drama?

I believe this play's themes can be
considered "modern," and that the play itself, then, can be considered a modern

If one looks at the play literally, there are still
places in the world where it is clear that the church and state are at odds with one
another, not just in terms of disparate views, but pertaining to aggressive politics.
 For example, China has strong laws in place to prevent any
religious assembly that might cause a "disruption" to any part of
society, especially with regard to restrictive Chinese political policies. In places
like Iraq and Afghanistan, a religious group actually acts as the governing body in
those countries—and many times one country may have several different religious sects
vying for political control.

In a figurative sense, the
play is modern as it shows two powers struggling for supremacy.  In our country, there
is a constant fight for power between the Republicans and the Democrats.  Each side
believes (as did Henry II and Becket) that they are in the right.  Paranoia abounds, as
is the case with Becket's priests.  Temptation is rampant in politics, as seen with the
four Tempters in the play.

On a more philosophical level,
the play speaks to elements of the human experience: fear of death, temptation, hunger
for power, and the ultimate sacrifice for what one

If one is contemplating whether this play is
modern, and whether it still speaks to its audience years after T.S. Eliot wrote it, the
answer is yes.

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