Friday, November 29, 2013

Discuss if Animal Farm argues that human beings are divided into leaders and followers.

I think that the book does display a clear division between
leaders and followers. However, I think that the book shows very well what how individuals can
lose sight of how they create their leaders. The book displays how individuals can be easily
bullied into making their leaders possess vast control over them. For example, at one of the most
intense moments of human cruelty and political expediency, Clover sees it and still cannot bring
herself to taking action, instead resting with the knowledge that things might have been worse
under human rule. In this moment, Orwell is showing that individuals choose to give their ascent
to leaders. If the animals in the work had sincerely believed in cohesive action, designed to
bring about social and political change, they would have been leaders and not followers.
Individuals give their ascent to power, and one of the themes of the novel is how individuals in
the position of political control seek to consolidate their own power so that the dichotomy
between leaders and followers is preserved. When individuals fail to heed the voice inside them
that recognizes political reality as wrong, they become followers. I don't see Orwell as seeing
all human beings as representing one end or another. Yet, he sees human beings as capable of
being both. Their own actions determine what they are. The animals do this, as well. The pigs
like Napoleon and Squealer choose to be leaders. Clover, in her moment of agony, choose to be a

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