Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What does "temporary" mean and how does it apply to Willy?" i don't know ben when dad left i was so young and i kind of felt temporary about my self"

Willy is referring to his uncertainty about the future and
his inability to conceive of life without a father. He doesn't know what his life will
be like, especially without a father to guide him. Temporary in
this quotation suggests that Willy lacks a sense of stability or foundation as if he,
too, will disappear as his father did. If not Willy himself, then will other members of
his family, such as Ben, desert him as well? Willy is recalling the feeling that he
didn't know what the future would hold for him.

He and his
family had lived a transient life so he had no clear of "home"; therefore, he lacked the
security of that kind of stability. Now that his father was gone, he must have felt that
the force holding his family together had distintegrated. What would happen to Willy?
Was he now responsible for himself? This feeling of temporary
implies as well that Willy hoped this sense would not last long, but notice he qualifies
his comment by saying it was "kind of temporary." The instability we see in the adult
Willy is foreshadowed by this remark.

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