Friday, November 29, 2013

There is something unusual about Bernard's state of mind in Brave New World. Explain.

In Chapter 8 of Brave New World, Bernard
asks the savage if he would like to make the return to London with him and Lenina. Having a
romanticized perspective about the New World because of how his mother spoke of it, John is
thrilled with the idea:


To think it should be coming true--what I've dreamt of all
my life..."O wonder!....How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is!...O
brave new world!"

John recites lines
from The Tempest, lines that will prove ironic as he anticipates a world
which is but a figment of his imagination. In the meantime, Lenina, who has been through what she
thinks a "horror," takes six half-gramme tablets of soma. While she sleeps,
Bernard calls the World Controller's Office in Whitehall; he obtains "the necessary orders" that
will be sent to the Warden of the Reservation. Mustapha Mond, the World Controller tells Bernard
that he has scientific interest in what Bernard information Bernard has given

In light of Bernard's having asked John about accompanying him
back to London, it seems reasonable for the reader to assume that Mond's scientific interest
relates to John, especially since John's mother Linda has been a resident of the New World. With
Bernard's personality being what it is, also, there may be ulterior motives on his

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