Thursday, November 14, 2013

In the story of "The Lottery"by Shirley Jackson, what does Mr. Summers represent/symbolize in the town?PLEASE HELP ME

Mr. Summers represent the forces of tradition and power
that allow the lottery, as a practice, to exist.  He has no children, and his wife seems
to enjoy the location that she and her husband enjoy on the social ladder.  He
symbolizes the practice of the lottery, the idea that it is a tradition in the village. 
He is the force that allows it to exist, to not have to be brought into question and not
have it undermined in any way shape or form.  His purpose in the story is to reflect how
the tradition has become part of the culture of the village and how questions about is
are not raised.  Individuals reading the story have to wonder how civilized people could
allow such a tradition to be practiced.  It is because of the efforts of people such as
Mr. and Mrs. Summers that this is so.

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