Tuesday, November 5, 2013

In The Chrysalids, where are there examples of foreshadowing?

Well, the most obvious example of foreshadowing in this
excellent dystopian novel is the very beginning, where David dreams of the city of
Sealand that he finally reaches at the end of the novel. Note how it is


When I was quite small I would sometimes dream
of a city - which was strange because it began before I even knew what a city was. But
this city, clustered on the curve of a big blue bay, would come into my mind. I could
see the streets, and the buildings that lined them, the waterfront, even boats in the
harbour; yet waking, I had never seen the sea, or a

Flicking to the end
of the novel and the last section of the last chapter, David sees this sight in reality,
rather than in his dreams. Note that he says:


It was just as I had seen it in my dreams... It
was so familiar I almost

Wyndham therefore
effectively foreshadows the happy ending and the safe arrival of David in Sealand by
introducing this dream that becomes real at the end of the

There are plenty of other examples that you can look
at, especially the way that Sophie is used to show the fate of deviants and also the
dream that David has of his father just about to sacrifice Sophie as if she were a
mutant calf.

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