Friday, November 22, 2013

How would I break down The Glass Castle, for a short summary of a page?

Any time you need to write a summary, you must understand the
main ideas of the work you are summarizing. This is why it is necessary to read it more than
once. After the first reading, you need to reread and take notes, paying attention to the key
points the author is making. You may need to skim certain parts in order to better understand
what the main ideas are. Writing a rough draft allows you to add or delete information as needed.
You will find a link below that will help you write a summary as well as links to The
Glass Castle
that will help you further understand

The Glass Castle is a memoir, a specific
memory of a particular period of time in a person's life. Jeannette Walls writes about her
childhood and what it was like to grow up as one of four children with parents who literally
neglected them. Her father is an alcoholic, and her mother is a free spirit who views their life
of poverty as an adventure. These are general statements about the parents, the kind of
statements you are looking for when writing a summary. To discover other main ideas, try
answering these questions:

  • What are the most important
    events in the memoir?

  • How do these events affect each of the

  • How do the children feel about their

  • Does the view of the parents change when the children
    become adults?

  • How does Jeannette's success reflect her

The title of the memoir should give you a
good idea of symbolism and theme. Jeannette's father promises the children that when the family
gets rich, he will build them the most magnificent house, all made of glass. He even draws up the
blueprints to the house, showing the children what it will look like. The house, however, is
never built. It is just one more broken promise.

I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have a specific question regarding this

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