Thursday, November 7, 2013

What important function does Jocasta play in the play Oedipus Rex other than being the mother/wife of Oedipus?

In Oedipus Rex, Jocasta plays the
following roles:

she intercedes between Oedipus and Creon, trying to get the men to calm down, no doubt a
testament to her mother-figure

Foil: she is a
reflection of Oedipus.  She triggers his memory and figures out the mystery of Lauis'
murder sooner than he does.  As such, she is a part of the way the dramatic irony

Supplient: one who
provides vision and unmitigated suffering and helplessness.  She suffers only briefly in
the tragedy, killing herself almost as soon as she realizes her crimes of murder and

Not a tragic hero:
Notice that she kills herself and Oedipus does not.  Why?  Her crimes were pre-meditated
and more cruel: she tried to commit infanticide.  Because of her suicide, Oedipus blinds
himself with her pins, but he decides--unlike her--to take responsibility for his
crimes.  Thus, he becomes a tragic hero.  She does not deserve the title because of her
cruelty and lack of responsibility.

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