Monday, February 10, 2014

Can mathematical modeling or quantitative techniques help the manager to solve the problem of work assignment?The answer should be relevent to the...

The term work assignment in the question is too general.
It could mean the task of assigning different duties or responsibilities to different
people employed in an organization as a part of organization design, or it could refer
to detailed production or project planning tasks. It could mean something in between the
above two examples. For example, it could mean assigning repair jobs to different
persons or teams in a maintenance department. Mathematical modelling is also used by
large airlines for scheduling their planes and crew.

mathematical models and quantitative techniques are used in many of the work assignment
areas identified above. For example, mathematical models and graphical models such as
CPM (Critical Path Method), and PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Techniques) are used
extensively for planning and controlling of projects. Many different types of PPC
(Project Planning and Control) algorithms are used for planning of production activities
involving multiple work orders being processed on multiple work centers and involving
different work sequence for each batch. Queueing techniques are used commonly for
situations where work flow follows a random pattern and as such can be performed on any
one of multiple work stations. A technique called line balancing is used for taking
decisions on the operations to be performed at each work station of assembly lines for
mass-produced items.

The types of work assignment tasks is
very large and accordingly the list of quantitative techniques that can be used for work
assignment tasks is also very long.

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