Sunday, February 9, 2014

Please explain Gastby's conflicts in The Great Gatsby: Gastby vs. self, Gastby vs. Tom, and Gastby vs. Daisy.

Gatsby's conflict with his self certainly relates to his
conflict with Daisy. His problem with self is an issue of identity. Having a specific
identity would have earned him acceptance with Daisy. As it was, early on in their
relationship, he could not fulfill requirements to gain acceptance. His quest for Daisy
is often touted as the embodiment of the idyllic American Dream. This dream is often
something that can't be grasped, but within America, the idea is that if you work hard
enough for anything, you can attain it. This work Gatsby does, although he encounters
struggles with morality and time. 

Gatsby deems Tom the
enemy. Once he realizes Daisy is married, he invents the idea that she never loved him.
This figment of his imagination plays out as Gatsby's affair with Daisy becomes a
reality to Tom. Gatsby, for a short time in chapters 6 & 7, earns Daisy's favor
as a result of her being in a poor marriage in the first place. This creates tension
between Tom and Gatsby. This results in the questions of who is going to be in which car
on a trip to New York. The fact that Daisy got into a car with Gatsby determined a
victor for a time, but the brutal murder of Myrtle through the vehicle of the car
signifies also the death of this conflict. Daisy from this point on chooses Tom although
Gatsby doesn't really know it.

Gatsby's life conflicts all
seem to stem from or involve Daisy somehow. His conflict with her seems to be that no
matter what he tries, he cannot fully attain her. For a time, he is convinced that he
has her, yet, she did not divorce Tom.

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