Sunday, February 2, 2014

I have difficult time to write any kind of essay. It takes too much time to write. Could you give me advice, how should I improve it?

Essay writing begins with having something to write about; if at
all possible, try writing about an aspect of the story (in this case) that is of interest.
Sometimes it may be the plot, or a particular character. It does not have to be about the entire
story, unless that is the assignment. (Please note: the investment of time is a must; being
organized will cut down on the amount of time you need to

In your href="">introductory paragraph,
state the focus of your paper. This is the thesis statement. The link above provides specifics on
how to write a good intro./thesis statement. Avoid, "I am writing this paper

One of the links I have provided contains information
for writing a href="">five-paragraph essay. The
only difference between a five-paragraph essay and a five-page paper is that you develop your
ideas in more depth, providing multiple paragraphs on one subtopic rather than just

The general format of an essay requires an introductory
paragraph (including a thesis statement) to identify the focus of your paper. As you write, refer
back to this paragraph—stay focused on the topic you identify

The second section is the body of the essay. This contains the
general ideas you are putting forth, WITH SPECIFIC DETAILS to support each general statement.
There will be multiple paragraphs in this section.

For ex., when
writing about the causes of the Civil Rights Movement, dedicate a paragraph to rights refused to
blacks by the white community and law makers. One paragraph might speak of segregation of
restrooms, water fountains, the bus, etc. In support of this paragraph, discuss Rosa Parks who
refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man.

Devote another
paragraph to the blacks' inability to vote. In this section, discuss that even when a law said
blacks could vote, whites made it more difficult by making black voters take "impossible"

Dedicated another paragraph to segregation in schools.
Include information on Brown v. the Board of Education, when a man was fighting for the right to
send his young daughter to a local school for a good education.

is a pretty broad topic. You already have several paragraphs that deal specifically with
segregation. I did not even begin to speak about brutality, lynchings, murder, or burning of
busses, etc. These topics would be placed in separate

The length of the paper depends on the subject and what
you find to support the topic. Remember, your information is trying to inform
and prove to the reader that your thesis
statement is, in fact, correct.

When you arrive at the conclusion,
DO NOT restate your thesis statement. You may refer to the general concept, but you also want to
"pass judgment."

For example, with the Civil Rights Movement still
in mind, a conclusion might state be something like this:

the Declaration of Independence declared independence for all Americans, and while the
Constitution provided guidelines to guarantee these rights, it was not until the passage of the
Civil Rights Act in 1964, that the nation moved forward with one voice to make sure all citizens,
regardless of race or gender, were protected. This provided standards for US citizens follows so
that all people could enjoy the freedom with which America has been associated for so many years,
throughout so many generations, and to people throughout the world. Finally, the realization of
this dream was extended to all Americans."

Find paper formatting
info. at this href="">link.

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