Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What are some examples of gender and social prejudice in To Kill A Mockingbird?

In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus
sweetly discusses this topic with his children when they wonder about juries. They ask
why city folks don't sit on them. Atticus explains that many business owners fear their
decisions would affect their customers' repeat visits. Then, the topic of women on
juries arises. Atticus, the one we all grow to love and defend and admire, stereotypes
many of Maycomb's women with the greatest care and ease.

points to Mrs. Dubose as an example. She would speak whenever she felt like it and would
try to get Judge Taylor to do things her way. Here is Atticus' explanation in his own

one thing, Miss Maudie can’t serve on a jury because she’s a woman

“You mean women in Alabama can’t—?” I was

“I do. I guess it’s to protect our frail ladies
from sordid cases like Tom’s. Besides,” Atticus grinned, “I doubt if we’d ever get a
complete case tried—the ladies’d be interrupting to ask

Jem and I laughed. Miss Maudie on a jury would
be impressive. I thought of old Mrs. Dubose in her wheelchair—“Stop that rapping, John
Taylor, I want to ask this man something.” Perhaps our forefathers were wise. (Chapter

This demonstrates that
women talk... and talk... and talk.

In chapter 24, more
revealing details about women emerge. The women gather at an event that is all about
impressing each other. This particular event, the Missionary Tea, takes place at the
Finches house because Alexandra is hosting.

During this
part, we see the white women find great empathy for the poor people that their
missionary J. Grimes Everett serve, but they can't see the need right in front of their
face. The black community is desperately pierced by what has happened to Tom. The white
women hypocritically expect their black servants to just buck up and be strong. People
need periods to grieve.

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