Tuesday, February 18, 2014

In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales what are some examples of metaphors, hyperboles, and imagery in the general prologue?

A metaphor compares two dissimilar things that share the
same characteristics, without using "like or as." The following example is a metaphor in
the Prologue of The Canterbury

Describing the Monk, Chaucer

that a monk uncloistered is a mere / Fish out of water, flapping on the pier (lines

Chaucer is speaking
to the fact that a monk, a man of God, who is not cloistered/shut away in a monastery,
is out of his spiritual element.

An example of hyperbole
(exaggeration) can be found with the Friar:


He knew the tarverns well in every

And every innkeeper and barmaid

Better than lepers, beggars and that

For in so eminent a man as

It was not fitting with the

Of his position, dealing with a

Of wretched lepers; nothing good can

Of dealings with slum-and

But only with the rich and

This description
talks about another holy man, the Friar. Chaucer had little time for religious
hypocrites, and he describes several in the Prologue. The Friar is one. When Chaucer
speaks about the elevated social position of the Friar, he is being sarcastic. He
exaggerates when he talks about his status, that the Friar could not
possibly be expected to mingle with the poor or diseased; no, he
was much more "at home" with the bar staff, the rich, or people selling food
(victuals)...(hardly what a man of God should be

Finally, imagery in Chaucer's work abounds.
(Imagery, of course, uses descriptions to paint a picture in the reader's mind). I have
included two. The following describes the Knight.


He wore a fustian* tunic stained and

With smudges where his armor had left mark  

*fustian - coarse

This description
praises the Knight. He is a humble man, but his worth is seen when he removes his armor,
for the intensity of his fighting has worn stains and smudges onto his tunic. He has
honorably fought, and immediately on arriving home, he goes on a pilgrimage to thank

Or, Chaucer's description of the Pardoner is

Pardoner had hair as yellow as wax,

Hanging down smoothly
like a hank of flax.

In driblets fell his locks behind his

Down to his shoulders which they

Thinly they fell, like rat-tails, one by one.

Another man of God
who didn't do his job, this description shows how Chaucer felt about

Hope this helps.

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