Saturday, February 8, 2014

What are examples of a suitable topic for a research paper on Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing ?

The best research topics are ones that are debated among
scholars. Observing the debate can help you formulate your own opinions and contribute your own
argument to the debate while allowing you to prove your own opinion. There are many points of
scholarly debate and looking over articles and books on literary criticism can help you uncover
them, however, below are a couple worth noting that would make good research

One good point of scholarly debate is whether or not the women in this
play can be viewed as submissive, powerless, male-dominated women who contradict feminist views,
or if they are rather women in their own right, making their own decisions and accepting men on
their own terms. Some modern feminist scholars view Beatrice's union with Benedick as submissive.
They argue that Beatrice only saw her faults of being antagonistic and overly prideful because
Hero, the submissive woman, pointed them out. However, other scholars argue that Beatrice
recognized her faults on her own accord, not just because Hero pointed them out.  Some modern
feminist critics also call Hero's reunion with Claudio in the final scene of the play a terrible
act of submission; however, others point out that Hero forgave him only because Claudio was
sincerely repentant, which gives her personal power, rather than makes her

Another interesting point of scholarly debate is whether or not
Dogberry is an important character or if he can instead be considered disposable. Some scholars
argue that Dogberry is trivial and that the entire plot lacks purpose; however, other scholars
show that Dogberry represents the entire heart of the play, mirroring the vanity and excessive
pride found in all of the other characters. More importantly, by being the only character who
unfolds Don John's treachory, despite his own intentions not to catch any criminals that night,
Dogberry shows us just how inconsistent and inadequate the other characters in the story actually
are, especially the rulers of Messina.

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