Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Assume you were in the courthouse that day, how would you present to jury to prove Tom's innocence in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Honestly, I think Atticus was a perfect

If I had to try to defend Tom that day and did
not want to lose, I would probably have made an effort to include more witnesses, like I
would have tried to provide an alibi for Tom. But then, it might have turned more into
the white vs. blacks. If he was with a black person, the crowd and jury likely wouldn't
have believed the person.

It might have been good to put
Link Deas, Tom's boss on the stand to vouch for his behavior as a worker. But again,
Link might have done something himself to get thrown out of

Calling one of the other Ewell children to testify
might have been a good idea because they, like Mayella, would struggle with the
difference between a truth and a lie.

All of these extra
people would have just been to call characters to account, I am not sure if it would
have helped. I appreciate Harper Lee's order of events because they are realistic and
legitimate for the time period and the circumstances.

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