Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Describe three specific tissues in plants.Give their functions, what they are made up of or what they contain, their name and the part of the plant...

Plants have many kinds of tissues, each with its own
specific function. For example, a type of conducting tissue is known as xylem. This
tissue is for the conduction of water  and dissolved nutrients, from roots, to stem, to
leaves.  It consists of parenchyma cells, fibers, vessels, tracheids and ray cells.
Conduction is up and down, but, there is some lateral conduction as well. Phloem tissue
is part of the plant's plumbing and conducts food throughout a plant. It contains sieve
tube members and companion cells. There is epidermal tissue which is very important. It
is usually one cell layer thick and produces a waxy cuticle to protect the plant.
Epidermal tissues cover the roots, stems and leaves. It protects the plant from bacteria
and helps reduce water loss. Meristematic tissues are tissues that are actively dividing
giving rise to new structures.  One example is the apical meristems, located at the end
of the root or shoot, which help elongate the plant at that location. These are just a
few of the many specialized plant tissues.

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