Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Explain how fate is a theme in "The Signal-man" in no less than 3 ideas that support fate.

"The Signal-Man" by Charles Dickens reflects the anxiety
that the Victorians felt about technological progress occurring during the Industrial
Revolution.  In this story, tragedies occur in spite of the careful measures established
to ensure safety, a fact that clearly suggests the interference of fate.  These
technological communications as well as the assiduousness of the signalman are
ineffective against the fateful power of the train that seems to possess an untamed
power of a preternatural nature.

Here are some
illustrations of the impervious power of the fateful train that overrides the strategies
of the people who try to control this technological

1. The signalman, upon hearing the narrator's call
to him, mistakes the narrator for someone else since the narrator has somehow spoken the
exact same words as those which were spoken prior to a tragic incident. The signalman

moonlight night...when I heard a voice cry, 'Halloa!  Below there!  Look out!...I
advanced so close upon [the figure who spoke these words] that I wondered at its keeping
the sleeve across its eyes.  I ran right up at it, and hand my hand stretched out to
pull the sleeve away, when it was

This apparition has
presaged the fateful ending of the signalman.  Despite the warning to look out, a
terrible train wreck has occurred.  Upon hearing this report, the narrator suggests that
the words were communicated to the signalman in "a supernatural way."  The signalman is
disturbed by the inexplicable repeated messages he

not tell me where that accident was to happen,--if it must happen?  Why not tell me how
it could be averted,--if it could be averted?...And I, Lord help me!  A mere poor
signal-man on this solitary station!  Why not go to somebody with credit to be believed,
and power to act?"

2.  Fate
seems a much stronger force that the two men who are isolated.  The signalman


...remarkably exact and vigilant, breaking off
his   discourse at a syllable, and remaining silent until what he had to do was

Yet, despite his
careful attention to all the safety measures, the signalman becomes doubtful as he hears
warnings when no one is around.  And, in his isolated state of "feverish distress," with
the narrator away at the time, the fated signalman is killed by the relentless and
uncontrollable power of the train.

3. The railroad company
has installed safety devices such as the telegraph signals, red lights, flags, and
bells.  Conscientiously, the signalman ensures that all these devices operate.  However,
despite the tecnical safety devices and spiritual warnings that the signalman
conscientiously checks, the inexorable fate of the accident

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