Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How does Atticus Finch show love in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Atticus exhibits his love of all people throughout To
Kill a Mockingbird
. He is obviously a loving parent to his children, teaching
them--often by his own example--the value of education (he convinces Scout to not give up on
school); tolerance ("climb into his skin and walk around in it"); humility (he withholds his
marksmanship skills from Jem and Scout) and moral consciousness (by undertaking the defense of
Tom Robinson). He displays his love of family (paying for his brother's education); his sympathy
for the weak ("it's a sin to kill a mockingbird" and "the worst thing you can do" is for a white
man to cheat a black man); and his responsibility toward his community (he repeatedly runs
unopposed as Maycomb's representative in the state legislature). But above all, Atticus is known
for his love of fellow man. He defends Mr. Cunningham for free, trusting that Cunningham will
eventually pay (in some manner). He is probably the most respected man in town, and he has no ill
will toward anyone (except perhaps Bob Ewell). Maudie reminds Scout that Atticus is the same man
whether he is within the privacy of his own home or in a crowd of people. Perhaps the highest
compliment he is paid comes from Maudie, when she tells Alexandra

"... we're paying
the highest tribute we can pay a man. We trust him to do right. It's that simple."

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