Saturday, February 28, 2015

What are some similarities and differences between Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" and the opening chapter of Melville's Moby-Dick?

Various similarities and differences (but mostly differences)
exist between Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Young Goodman Brown” and Herman Melville’s novel
Moby-Dick. Here are a few of the

  • Both works are set, at least initially, in
    New England.

  • Both works focus on journeys made by young

  • Both young men have names that prove to be symbolic.

Here, however, are a number of significant

  • Melville’s Ishmael narrates his own journey;
    Brown’s journey is reported by a narrator.

  • Ishmael, at the time of
    his journey, is apparently unmarried; this is not true of

  • Ishmael, in the very first paragraph of the novel, displays
    an attractive sense of humor; Brown is rather humorless throughout his tale. Ishmael is the more
    complex of the two characters.

  • Ishmael, at first, is much more
    isolated than Brown. Brown meets a companion in the forest and meets other acquaintances along
    the way, while Ishmael is initially much more of a loner.

  • Ishmael
    will be journeying out onto the sea, while Brown will be journeying into the

  • Brown never seems to have journeyed much beyond his small
    town before, whereas Ishmael is familiar with the large city of New

  • We are offered very little insight, at first, into what
    Brown may be thinking; Ishmael, in contrast, is speculative and openly reflective right from the

  • Because Brown does not narrate his own story, he has no
    opportunity to address the reader, whereas Ishmael addresses his readers in the very first
    sentences of the story, as if beginning an extended exchange with

me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my
purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and
see the watery part of the

  • Brown’s story deals
    quite explicitly with matters of good and evil, whereas the focus on good and evil in Melville’s
    novel is not especially stressed in the very first chapter.

  • The
    style of Hawthorne’s story is fairly obviously symbolic and allegorical right from the start; the
    first chapter of Moby-Dick, however is more convincingly and deliberately

Other contrasts might easily be listed, but
these are enough to indicate some of the significant differences between the two

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