Thursday, February 12, 2015

Why is chapter 5 a crucial moment? What happens in the chapter and how does it impact on the rest of the novel?

Chapter five in Frankenstein is a crucial
turning point of the novel. It is in this chapter that Victor is able to behold "the
accomplishment of my toils". Given that the four previous chapters give Victor's history growing
up, his move to university, and his battle with re-animating life, the fact that (in this
chapter) Victor sees the truth behind all of his hard work come to

After realizing that he has, indeed, re-animated life, Victor
is horrified at the appearance of his creation. Running from his laboratory, Victor unexpectedly
meets his childhood friend Clerval. Clerval has come because Victor has been so obsessed with his
plans to re-animate life that he has stopped all conversations with those around him, even his
family. Victor admits to Clerval that he has been very busy, but

all these
employments are now at an end, and that I am at length

Horrified at the thought of
bringing Clerval back to his apartment, Victor walks apprehensively

Victor, upon realizing that the monster in not there, leads
Clerval into his flat. Victor enters his bedroom and believes he sees the

Oh, save me!
save me!” I imagined that the monster seized me; I struggled furiously, and fell down in a

Victor becomes gravely ill and
Clerval must nurse him back to health before they can return

This point in the novel is very important given is is the
turning point for the action of the novel. It is from this point on that Victor realizes the
infraction against society he has created. From this point out, Victor must come to terms with
what he has done, make decisions about the monster himself, and choose to take responsibility for
his "son" or abandon him.

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