Saturday, February 13, 2016

At what point does "the extraordinary moment of recognition" occur in "Doe Season"?

The moment of extraordinary recognition
occurs when Andy realizes that her father has killed the deer, she helped, and she does
not like hunting after all.

Andy is a nine
year old girl who wants to please her father.  Her father really has no clue.  His
friend Charlie takes his son Mac hunting, and her father seems jealous of the bonding
time.  He wants his daughter to go, and he says it is the same as Charlie and

When she shoots the doe, she does not kill it.  They
find it, but later that night she sticks her hand inside it and feels the

pressed deeper … until her whole hand was inside the wound and she had found the doe’s
heart, warm and beating.  She cupped it gently in her hand.  Alive,
she marveled.

then feels as if her hand is pulled in and trapped.  When she finally gets it out, she
seems in shock.  She tries to hide her hand, and then simply

Andy has tried to come to terms with the adult
world, or the world of men, but she cannot.  Instead, she runs away.  Yet she is a
different person than she was before.  Her incident with the dear demonstrates that she
has been reborn, as the dear died.  She decides she is no longer going to be called
Andy.  From now on, no more childish nicknames.

Andy has
changed in this one incident, from a girl to a young woman.  The kill has matured her,
and she has seen the change in herself.  When she reached inside the deer, she became a
new person.

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