Friday, February 26, 2016

How was Robert Frost's life reflected in his poetry?What where the personlity traits that where in his life and in his poetry?

Robert Frost’s life was
reflected in his poetry in a variety of ways.  For instance, from an early age, Frost
was raised in New England, and New England, of course, provides the setting and the
characters for many of his poems (such as “Out, Out---,” to mention just one example).
His education at Lawrence High School, where he was a strong student, helped give him
the kind of education and interest in literature that would nourish his later career. 
His first poems were published in Lawrence High’s Bulletin, and he eventually became
editor of that publication.  Thus, his experience at Lawrence helped contribute to his
growing ambitions and self-confidence as a writer.

Frost’s experience
working various low-paying jobs (such as millworker and teacher) helped give him an
intimate familiarity with the lower- and lower-middle-class society which is often the
subject of his poems. His bouts with depression (including a suicide attempt) helped
make him familiar with the darker side of human existence, which is also treated in his
poems.  His own frustrations in love, especially when courting his wife Elinor, helped
provide yet another subject for some of his best-known poems.

In 1897,
Frost was able to begin studying at Harvard, an experience which also helped prepare him
intellectually to become a serious poet.  However, he had to withdraw from Harvard after
two years, and it was now that he decided to become a chicken farmer, thus giving him
familiarity with rural life and with the lives of farmers – two more subjects of some of
his most significant poems.  One notable poem, for instance, is titled “The Pasture.”
Another is called “After Apple-Picking.” Another is titled “The Death of a Hired Man,”
while yet another is called “Mending Wall.”  Perhaps the most famous of these poems with
rural settings and characters is “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening,” in which even
the horse pulling the speaker’s cart or sled has a significant

little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the

Eventually Frost was
given a larger farm by his grandfather, and, when his grandfather died, Frost received
enough of an inheritance to allow him to devote more of his time and attention to his
writing. He even combined his interest in writing with his practical duties as a farmer
by contributing articles about chickens to poultry magazines. Later work as a teacher
kept Frost in touch, in a practical way, with the life of the mind, and eventually he
and his family were able to settle for a while in England.

During his
time in London, Frost became familiar with a number of other American writers, including
the highly influential poet Ezra Pound, who championed Frost’s first book. By the time
Frost returned to the United States in early 1915, he had begun to establish a
reputation as one of America’s most promising poets. 

In all the ways
just suggested, then (as well as many more too numerous to mention), Robert Frost’s life
clearly affected Robert Frost’s poetry.

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