Saturday, February 27, 2016

In All Quiet on the Western Front, what dreams do the various members of the group have about going home?

The men's dreams of going home seem to vary based on their age
and experience.  For example, Detering who is one of the older men in the group has left behind
his wife and his farm which he talks about constantly.  He dreams of going home to resume the
beloved lifestyle that he left behind. Kat, another older soldier, also wants to go home to his
family.  These dreams of returning to lives left behind motivate the older men to struggle on
through the battles of the war.  However, the younger soldiers do not have these ties to home,
and so they at first dream of returning beloved soldiers.  But as time goes on, they feel like
they have less and less to live for, and their dreams of home become more like nightmares.  Paul
feels distanced from his family, and his dreams of going home are hopeless as he realizes that he
will likely not be able to fit back into the standards of society.  The younger men are much more
disillusioned by what they experience in the war.

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