Tuesday, August 27, 2013

In The Great Gatsby, how are the circumstances and setting of Gatsby's death consistent with his life and personality?

Thg circumstances and the setting of Gatsby's death are entirely
consistent with his personality and the manner in which he has lived his life. Shot to death in
the pool at his magnificent mansion, Gatsby dies alone, waiting for Daisy to call. After Myrtle
Wilson's death the previous evening, Daisy had gone home with her husband. Gatsby had stood watch
over her all night outside her house, to make sure that Tom did not hurt her. The irony is
significant, since even as Gatsby maintained his vigil, Tom and Daisy were inside, seeming to
"conspire" together.

Returning home, he waits all day for Daisy to
call, which she does not. At 2:00 in the afternoon, he decides to use his pool for the first time
that summer, leaving word with the butler to bring him any telephone messages. There are none. At
the moment of his death, Gatsby floats on an air mattress in the pool. Daisy would not be
calling, that day or ever. Absorbed in his thoughts of her, Gatsby makes an easy target for the
deranged George Wilson to shoot him. He is vulnerable to Wilson's sick mind just as he had been
vulnerable to the amorality of the Buchanans.

Gatsby's was a
romantic personality, with an "extraordinary gift for hope," but in his romanticism, he was
naive; he could not recognize or deal with reality if it threatened his dreams. He could not face
the reality that Daisy would never leave Tom Buchanan. To do so would have meant abandoning the
dream that had sustained him since first falling in love with Daisy. As a result, he lived his
final moments just as he had lived his life, alone with his dream out of reach and

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