Sunday, August 11, 2013

What are the advantages of coal?

When we talk of advantages of any substance we generally relate
it to some specific use and usually in relation to some other substitute material. in absence of
any specific use or alternate substance identified in the question, we will discuss the uses and
advantages of coal in general.

Coal is used primarily as a fuel for
generating heat energy. The second most important use of coal is as reducing agent in some
chemical process. For example, coal (in the form of coke) is used in iron smelting. Then there
are many other minor uses of coal such as a medium to filter water and as an ingredient other
substances to impart some specific properties to them.

When we
compare coal with other fuels, its major advantage is its abundant availability. Also being solid
and less inflammable it is easier and less hazardous to store and transport. These factors also
make coal more economic in terms of calories per $.

Being solid also
means that for many applications the equipment required to generate and use coal heat is simpler
and less expensive. As a matter of fact at times we do use coal by simply lighting a heap of

Then some application, particularly in cooking that makes use
of infra-red heat, coal can be used to produce the infra red heat directly. Liquid and gaseous
fuels cannot generate infra-red heat directly.

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