Sunday, August 18, 2013

What hints can you find in Act 2 of Macbeth that suggest the fate of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth?

In the second act of Macbeth, the major
hint that suggests the tragic fate of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is Macbeth's rant about "murdering
sleep."  In the second scene, Macbeth has rejoined his wife after having killed King Duncan, and
he is worried that someone has heard him commit the crime.  Lady Macbeth assures him that he is
overreacting, however, Macbeth cannot rid himself of his fears.  He then says that he has
"murdered sleep," meaning that this grave crime will not allow him to have any peace for the
remainder of his life.  This suggests that Macbeth's crime will continually haunt him.  And
although Lady Macbeth is relatively calm and cool in this scene, Macbeth does say that the evil
has fallen on their home, so this implies that Lady Macbeth will also not have any peace for the
remainder of her life.  Later acts in the play prove this to be true.

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