Monday, November 3, 2014

Can I have an analysis of what Lennox says in Act 2, scene 3, line 60: "The obscure bird clammered the livelong night"?I am supposed to give a full...

In Act II, scene iii of Macbeth,
Macduff and Lennox have come to wake King Duncan, just outside his room.  Macduff goes
inside the chamber, leaving Lennox outside to make small talk with

Lennox's report of the conditions outside
Dunsinane reveals unnatural and horrifying imagery: "lamentings" and "strange screams of
death."  It sounds like hell on earth.  His reference to the "obscure bird" refers to
an owl, for it flies and hunts at night without being seen.  It is a reference to an
earlier mention by Lady Macbeth in Act II, scene ii:


It was the owl that shriek'd, the fatal bellman,
/ Which gives the stern'st good

The screech of the owl
coincides with the death of Duncan just as the sound of the bellman would sound a
prisoner's hanging in a prison.  The use of supernatural animal imagery is a Gothic
convention to signal a disruption in the natural

Later, in Act II, scene iv the Old Man will tell
Ross that a mousing owl killed a falcon, the third mention of owl in this act.  This too
is a disruption in nature and goes against the food chain: a falcon should kill an owl. 
So, a thane (Macbeth) who kills a king (Duncan) is like the inferior predator (owl)
killing the superior one (falcon).  He does so only under cover of night (or using
blackness, evil, supernatural, the occult).

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