Friday, November 14, 2014

Identify three ways in which Napoleon asserts leadership on the farm in Animal Farm.

Napoleon asserts leadership in a variety of ways. One of the
most surreptitious manners he develops his leadership would be in chapter 3 when he takes the
pups for himself. On the surface, it is harmless. However, Napoleon understands that the best way
to maintain leadership on the farm is to do so through force and the dogs will serve as his loyal
guard. It is seen in chapter 7 through the forced confessions how effective this leadership
element is. At the same time, Napoleon understands that declaring and achieving self- rule is
useless if one does not consolidate power in order to keep power. This is why he sets out early
on to ensure that the sheep constantly repeat the mantras he sets out for the animals to absorb
and why Squealer is so important to Napoleon's aims of leadership. Napoleon understands how the
significance of constantly inundating the animals with an inflated sense of his own being. In
this "cult of personality," Napoleon understands the importance of charisma in leadership and
ensuring that his image is synonymous with leadership. Finally, Napoleon's "purges" and his
removal of Snowball is vitally important in that it eliminates any potential threats that might
arise, demonstrating another brutally effective element of his leadership that shows his concern
with holding and keeping power as opposed to sharing it.

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