Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Definition of scanning and skimming according to reading skill.

There are different types of skills used when approaching
reading material.  When people wish to find only important ideas and not all the
details, they often skim a text.  This involves different
strategies; for example, when a person skims a newspaper article, he/she reads the
headline, the opening lead line, the first paragraph which contains an overview of
information.  However, the reader probably merely skims the remaining paragraphs of the
article, reading the beginning sentences and glancing at nouns in the paragraph. 
Skimming is used when a person is not interested so much in total comprehension, but is
instead trying to locate essential points and major details.  Skimming is used to find
the main ideas of a

Scanning is a technique
used when a person tries to find a specific item such as a telephone number, a date, a
time, etc.  For instance, people often scan flight and train schedules,  or they scan a
page in a telephone book.  Scanning involves very rapid movement of a person's eyes up
and down a page.    When scanning people often focus on the author's use of organizers
such as bold print, lettering, numbering, colors, signal words such as first,
, and so on. After locating the area on the page that the person
desires, he/she may then skim for more information.

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