Monday, March 18, 2013

Explain Macbeth’s battle strategy in Act 5, Scene 4. Why is he forced to adopt such a plan?

Macbeth's battle strategy in act 5 scene 4 is suggested by
Old Siward :


We learn no other but the confident

Keeps still in Dunsinane, and will

Our setting down before

Even after the junction
of the two armies, the defection of thanes, and the desertion of common soldiers,
Macbeth remains confidently confined in the castle of Dunsinane, waiting for the the
rebel command, led by Malcolm, to launch its offensive. Since most of the nobles and
soldiers of Scotland have deserted Macbeth, and the remnants of Macbeth's garrison have
already gone over to Malcolm in their hearts, the tyrant can not come out in the open
country to initiate the attack. Furthermore, Macbeth still believes in the prophecy of
the third apparition that the Birnam Wood can never come to Dunsinane, and so he shall
remain invincible.

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