Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What are a few examples of Pip's being lonely through his own fault in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?

In this novel, Dickens explores the theme that money does not
lead to happiness.  Pip is born poor, but he does have a family.  Although his sister is abusive,
his uncle Joe is kind and caring.  When Pip encounters his first opportunity, visiting Miss
Havisham to “play” with Estella, he takes it to help his family but also to escape them.  He
misses his parents and his siblings, all dead.

When Pip is offered
the opportunity to leave and become a gentleman, he takes it without looking back.  He has a
chance to become a gentleman, and leave poverty behind.  He is also leaving Estella behind, but
he does not realize it.  Since Miss Havisham is the only person he knows with money, he assumes
that she is his benefactor and he is being groomed to be a mate for

Estella is the first example of the lonliness of Pip’s new
life.  Although he is hired to be her companion, he is really being used by Miss Havisham to
teach Estella how to be cruel to men.  She is learning how to break hearts, as Miss Havisham’s
was broken so many years ago.  Estella is a constant tease, and Pip falls in love with her but it
is a one-sided and unsatisfying relationship.

When Pip reaches
London, he encounters true loneliness.  Jaggers looks out for him because he is paid to, and
Jaggers is another completely unfulfilling relationship.  Jaggers is so carefully guarded that he
does not become close to anyone, and although he does keep Pip close it is out of obligation and
not friendship.  Pip meets some good people in London, including Herbert and Jaggers’s clerk,
Wemmick.  Even Wemmick is faily guarded though, because he only shows his true nature at home and
not around Jaggers.

Pip makes few real friends in London, and
encounters the false friendships of “gentlemen” more and more often.  He is constantly teased by
Estella, and still harbors hope of marrying her.  He rejects his real family, including Joe.  He
later regrets this, wishing he had found someone like Biddy rather than hopelessly fawning for

When Magwitch comes back into Pip’s life, the gig is up and
everything turns to chaos.  Pip loses every connection to the world of gentleman, but in the end
he is relieved.  He realizes that family is what’s real, and what’s important.  Whichever ending
you go by, it is safe to say that Pip continues to leave a pretty lonely

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