Sunday, March 24, 2013

Please provide five quotations from Sophocles' Antigone regarding actions of Creon that make the play a tragedy.

In Antigone, both Creon and Antigone
can be interpreted as tragic figures. By the conclusion of the drama, Antigone is dead
and Creon's life is so unbearable he longs for death. Throughout the play, the numerous
tragic events develop as a result of Creon's specific

1. Creon declares that the body of Polyneices
shall remain unburied. This initial action drives the play and eventually results in the
deaths of Antigone, Creon's wife Eurydice, and his son


Polyneices, I say, is to have no burial: no man
is to touch him or say the least prayer for him; he shall lie on the plain, unburied;
and the birds and the scavenging dogs can do with him whatever they

This is my command , and you can see the wisdom
behind it. As long as I am king, no traitor is going to be honored with the loyal

2. When Antigone
explains to Creon why she was compelled to bury her brother Polyneices' body, she says
that both of her brothers deserve the honors "due all the dead," and she implies she
loves both of her brothers. Creon rejects her feelings and does not absolve her for the
crime of defying him to bury Polyneices:


Go join them, then; if you must have your

Find it in

3. After Creon has
condemned Antigone to death for defying him, Haimon tries to change his father's mind,
to save Antigone's life because Haimon loves her deeply. Creon rejects his son's appeals
and becomes quite angry with him. Creon says he will kill Antigone before Haimon's

Now, by

I swear, by all the gods in heaven above

You'll watch it, I swear you

Haimon leaves quickly
to avoid Creon's killing Antigone at that very moment. Creon's words have so enraged
him, Haimon vows never to see his father again, a vow he keeps. Consequently, he does
not learn that Creon eventually does change his mind about killing

4. Creon orders that Antigone be shut up in a
tomb outside the city where she will eventually die:


I will carry her far

Out there in the wilderness and lock

Living in a vault of

Antigone is entombed.
She hangs herself rather than die slowly.

5. When the wise
prophet Teiresias explains to Creon why he must reverse his course and let Antigone
live, Creon dismisses the old man's counsel even before he hears it. He makes this clear
to Teiresias:



Whatever you
say, you will not change my

After Teiresias leaves,
Creon becomes frightened by the prophet's predictions of Creon's future. Creon goes to
release Antigone from the tomb in which he has placed her, but he arrives too

Antigone and Haimon have both committed suicide.
Creon's wife kills herself when she learns of Haimon's death. Creon's actions through
the play result in tragedy for Antigone, for his wife, for his son, and for


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