Thursday, March 14, 2013

How did Hegel's ideology influence marxism?

It is Hegel's vision of how history is formed that has a
profound impact on his student, Marx.  The notion of the dialectic as helping to reveal the
essence of historical consciousness is an important element in Hegelian thought.  The revelation
of synthesis from a collision of thesis and antithesis are elements that appealed to Marx.  Hegel
saw this phenomenology as something organic, gradually evolving within every thesis lay its
antithesis.  Hegel's depiction of it is akin to a flower shedding its pedals, revealing a new
essence.  Marx was fascinated by this, "standing Hegel on his head," through his assertion of
economic and material wealth into the dialectic, forming dialectical materialism.  In Marx's
depiction the dialectic is more curt and direct where thesis (capitalism) collides with
antithesis (lack of wealth) and within it evolves a new nature of reality (socialism).  The same
principles of the dialectic are present, but depicted in a more mathematical manner.  Hegelian
dialectics play a major role in the formation of Marx's thought and his belief on how material
reality will eventually move into a classless realm.

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