Saturday, March 2, 2013

What seem to be some of the purposes of Herman Melville's Benito Cereno?

The purposes of Herman Melville’s short novel Benito
have been interpreted in a number of ways, including the

  • to expose the social, political, economic, and
    especially racial injustices of the era it depicts

  • to emphasize
    the theme that appearances are often deceptive

  • to emphasize the
    theme of problems in communication

  • to emphasize the profoundly
    destructive effects of evil

  • to promote a kind of ethical
    relativism by juxtaposing different perspectives on the same characters and

  • to suggest that absolute judgments often contradict one

  • to emphasize the ironies that often result from

  • to suggest the ambiguous appearances of

  • to satirize American transcendentalism, especially its

  • to condemn the shortcomings of

  • to suggest the ways in which the law can often fail to
    provide justice

  • to mock the shallowness of naïve liberal-minded

  • to question traditional definitions of the “savage” and
    the “civilized”

  • to illustrate the injustices of slavery and show
    their possible consequences

  • to present the ship as a complicated
    microcosm of society

  • to suggest the nature, methods, and limits of
    human knowledge

  • to reverse the roles of victimizer and

  • to imply a philosophical treatment of the problem of

  • to suggest that beneath the orderly forms of civilization
    lies chaos

  • to make the reader wonder whether the work is endorsing
    or condemning the rebellion

  • to suggest that slavery is a system
    that damages both slave-holders and the enslaved

  • to suggest that
    all humans are capable of evil

  • to illustrate that evil is often
    successful because it is often deceptive

  • to show a black leader
    who is intelligent and courageous

  • to show the evils of slavery, no
    matter who is enslaved

  • to complicate simple contrasts between
    “good” and “evil”

  • to create, in Babo, a character reminiscent of
    Shakespeare’s Iago, as in the following description, which echoes the final scene of Shakepeare’s


Seeing all was over, he uttered no sound, and could not
be forced to. His aspect seemed to say, since I cannot do deeds, I will not speak

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