Thursday, March 28, 2013

What impression of Julius Caesar’s character did you get in Act I?

The answer to this question depends upon whom you are
trusting to relay the "correct" information about his

In the first scene, Marullus says that Caesar
should neither be cheered nor celebrated, since his victory for Rome has come at the
expense of Rome's other heroic leader, Pompey.  He chides the


And do you now put on your best

And do you now cull out a

And do you now strew flowers in his

That comes in triumph over Pompey's

In Scene Two, which
opens with Caesar, Antony and Calpurnia, Antony says, "When Caesar says 'do this,' it is
perform'd," suggesting the power and respect that Caesar has amongst his fellows and
people.  And, in this same scene, once Brutus and Cassius are alone onstage, Brutus says
that he fears "the people/Choose Caesar for their king," and in the next breath assures
Cassius that he "loves" Caesar "well."

However, it is
Cassius, a great talker in this play, who has the most to say about Caesar that might
form an audience member's opinion of Caesar's character.  He describes how he saved
Caesar's life when he nearly drowned, bemoaning how "this man/Is now become a god."  He
goes on to show how weak and unworthy of praise he considers

. .
.Ye gods it doth amaze me

A man of such a feeble temper

So get the start of the majestic

And bear the palm alone. . .

Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow

Like a Colossus,and we petty

Walk under his huge legs and peep

To find ourselves dishonorable

If we are to let
Cassius sway our opinion of Caesar, we will conclude that Caesar is all pomp,
circumstance, and fine platitudes on the outside, but is as weak and fearful as a little
girl on the inside.

But should we, in Act One, believe what
Cassius says?  Caesar enters just after this scene and makes a particular point to
single out Cassius for his "lean and hungry" look, as a man to be feared, if, in fact,
Casear was a man who felt fear.  Caesar says:


I rather tell thee what is to be

Than what I fear:  for always I am

These seem to be the
words of a very self-important man, but for my money, there are so many opinions and
points of view when it comes to Caesar in Act I, that it is not very easy to arrive at
one particular impression of his character.  So, depending on whose word you trust,
Ceasar is either a well-loved, celebrated leader about to be crowned, or he is a
self-important fake who has no right to assume the lion's share of Roman

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