Saturday, March 23, 2013

What is the plot of the "Haircut" short story by Ring Lardner?

In literature, the plot revolves around the conflict and the
complications that--well--complicate the conflict. So when you ask, "What is the plot?" you are
really asking about what the conflict is and how it develops to its resolution. In "Haircut," the
town barber, Whitey, tells the town gossip to a silent and unnamed newcomer who sits quietly in
Whitey's barber chair and listens. The plot and conflict therefore are embedded in the narrative
Whitey tells and involves the townspeople Whitey talks about: it does not primarily involve
Whitey or his mystery listener, though Whitey is there once or twice as a witness of

Much of Whitey's narrative gives background and examples of the central
character's behavior. It soon comes clear that Jim is the central
character and the antagonist (the antagonist predominates the story in a stylistic reversal such
as Milton used in Paradise Lost). The conflict Jim is involved in is
Human against Human as we learn about the horrible things Jim does to

[Jim] didn't
have no intentions of bein' there [at the circus] or buyin' tickets or nothin'. He got full of
gin and laid round ... His wife didn't have a dime with her ... she finally had to tell the kids
it was all off and they cried like they wasn't never goin' to

The primary element of the
conflict, involving the town heroine and hero, Julie
and Doc Stair, turns out to be Jim's failed attempts to romantically involve Julie. This leads to
the (1) climax and (2) anticlimax of the plot when (1) Jim forces his way into Julie's house,
then, (2) when Doc is away, tricks her into thinking Doc wants to see her. After this, Paul
Dickson's anger and Doc's fury signify the falling action that leads to the final resolution of
the conflict. This occurs when the gun Paul is holding fires (accidentally or by intent?) and
kills Jim. Thus the conflict is ended: Human has won the conflict against Jim's

examined the body and said they might as well fetch it back to town. They was no use leavin' it
there or callin' a jury, as it was a plain case of accidental

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