Sunday, March 1, 2015

Do you think Stephanie Meyers Twilight series could be considered a modern day fairy tale? Does it have the elements to be classified as a fairy tale?

This is certainly a thought provoking question! In order to
answer the question you first have to define the elements of a traditional fairy tale, and then
determine if the Twilight series has any of all of those same qualities. I
think that answer would be yes.

Qualities: Magic, remote settings,
romance, happy endings, fantastical animals, based in legend and

Here are some brief notes that you could expland upon with
specific details from the novels in order to support your thesis. The Cullens each have a magical
ability that helps them to survive in the world of humans. Some can see the future; some can read
minds, etc. All of the vampires have super-human strength and speed. They live in the remote town
of Forks and even there, live in a remote home deep in the woods. This allows them a fair amount
of privacy for their lifestyle. The romance between Edward and Bella is the stuff of dreams. He
is seemingly perfect; she is strong and determined. They struggle against seemingly
insurmountable odds to make their relationship work, and they are great together -- the ending of
the first book and the series couldn't have a more happy ending. The other fantastical animal is
the werewolf, Jacob. This element of the story isn't introduced until the second or third book,
but becomes a great source of conflict for Bella and Edward's relationship. That the three of
them can overcome their differences only enhances the fairy-tale quality of the ending of the
series. The fact that the whole story is based on the legends of vampires with updates to make
the vampires less loathsome and feared is part of the appeal of the story. There has always been
a fascination with the "other-worldly," and Meyers makes these creatures especially likable and
admirable. When you add to all of this the incredibly loyal following by young and old alike that
this series has enjoyed, it certainly rings true to a modern fairy-tale.

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