Saturday, March 7, 2015

What were the causes of the Japanese-American internement in WWII

Japanese citizens or any people of Japanese ancestry living in
the United States were subject to internment after the outbreak of World War II. The pure and
simple reason is that their patriotism was questioned, since U.S. entry into the war had been
precipitated by the attach on Pearl Harbor, and it was known that Japanese spies in Honolulu had
aided in the attack. One Japanese person in Hawaii had forwarded pictures of each of the ships in
the Harbor, so the attacking planes knew exactly where each ship was docked. Sadly, all persons
of Japanese ancestry were painted with the broad brush of possible espionage. Interestingly, no
German Americans were interned, which raises the issue of whether race was a question in the
internment. Race was a factor in anti-Japanese sentiment during the time period. One California
barber shop hung a sign outside which read "free shaves for Japs. Not responsible for

The constitutionality of internment was challenged by a
Japanese American citizen, but the Supreme Court upheld the government's right to do so in
Korematsu vs. U.S.

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