Wednesday, March 25, 2015

In Fahrenheit 451, how would you describe the society through the description given?

A central term you need to understand when thinking about
the society in this novel is "dystopia", which refers to a future society in which all
has not gone well. In your thinking about this question, you would do well to compare
this novel to another similar dystopian novel, such
as 1984Brave New World orA
Handmaid's Tale
. Reading and comparing Fahrenheit 451
with any of these novels would give you a much better idea of dystopian fiction and some
of the central components of dystopia.

However, just to
give you a few ideas, I would pick the following three

Censorship: clearly,
in this novel, the banning of books and the censorship of knowledge is a central theme.
The government of this world have decided to ban all books and burn them for reasons
that are not explicitly spelled out. However, this could easily be compared to the
workings of the Ministry of Truth (irony there)
in 1984.

: another key element is the rise in popularity of simulated
experiences instead of reality. This is most clearly seen in Mildred and her "family"
and her devotion to the screens that her friends come and enjoy together. The
description of what these screens show is a maelstrom of different images and


Abruptly the room took off on a rocket flight
into the clouds, it plunged into a lime-green sea where blue fish ate red and yellow
fish. A minute later, Three White Cartoon Clowns chopped off each other's limbs to the
accompaniment of immense incoming tides of laughter. Two minutes more and the room
whipped out of town to the jet cars wildly circling an arena, bashing and backing up and
bashing each other again. Montag saw a number of bodies fly in the

Such disrupted and
fast-changing images and the avidity with which Millie and her friends watch them show
how they are living more in a simulated reality than in reality itself, a point driven
home when Montag forces them to listen to "Dover Beach" and they start crying. This is a
world that has truly embraced the mass media and forsaken individual thought and

Alienation and
: Montag is above all a lonely man. He, throughout the course
of the novel, realises how shallow his society and life and marriage has become and
yearns for companionship and ideas, which he finds in his friendship with Clarisse and
then in books. Again, this is a key theme for 1984 with the central
protagonist realising how alone he is in his world and seeking companionship as an act
of defiance against his world.

Hopefully these pointers
will give you some idea of the society in which the characters of this novel live, but
also how this novel links in with other dystopian novels which share many similar

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