Friday, March 20, 2015

Identify the reasons that prove whether Hamlet's antic disposition/madness is fake or real insanity.

I think it is safe to say that Hamlet is aware of what he
is doing most of the time, though in some situations it could be argued that he acts

At the start of the play, when Hamlet has met
the ghost of his father, he plots to prove Claudius is the old king's murderer. (In
fact, Old Hamlet has charged Hamlet with the task of avenging his death.) With this is
mind, Hamlet says he will pretend madness, expecting that people will let their guard
down if they believe Hamlet is insane. He insists that he acts crazy
only to discover the truth of his father's murder, but really knows
what is going on.


I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is
southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw. (II, ii,

Hamlet acts crazy with
everyone, even poor Ophelia. He is extremely unsure who he can trust, so he puts on "an
antic disposition" in order to throw everyone off. He cannot trust Ophelia as she is a
dutiful daughter, and Polonius is beyond loyal to the new king, Claudius. Ophelia has no
part in the scheming. She is an innocent caught up in the deceit and evil that permeates
the castle. Hamlet's pretended insanity, and then her father's death, ultimately drive
Ophelia insane.

It could be argued, however, that when
Hamlet finds someone behind the arras (curtain) in his mother's room, thinking it is his
step-father, he lunges forward and stabs the man there, though it is, in truth,
Polonius, Ophelia's father.

His "impetuous" act, as his
mother calls it, could be seen as a blind, passionate action that would probably be
classified today as manslaughter. It is not premeditated in that moment (though Hamlet
is trying to avenge his father's death at some

Hamlet seizes this moment,
believing that Claudius has been having "incestuous" sex with Gertrude, and will die
with sins upon his soul if he dies right then. Hamlet acts rashly, and commits

Bottom line: I believe Hamlet knows what he is
doing, though it would be easily argued that he loses control temporarily, mistakenly
killing Polonius.

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